Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Scripture of the Year

     Every year I like to choose a scripture from the Bible to use as a type of "theme" for my year. Last year I chose For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 because I was graduating from high school, starting college and transitioning into the next phase of my life.  
    This year I decided on Proverbs 31:10-31 because I just turned 18 and in honor of my first year as an "adult" I picked this group of scriptures since they signify everything I want to be. From hardworking and respected to being happy and wise these scriptures motivate me and inspire me to be the woman God wants me to be. Living everyday in perfect pursuit and doing things with a purpose are my top 2016 daily goals that I want to accomplish. Everyday I read Proverbs 31:10-31 and I find such peace and happiness as I think about what's to come in my future.
      I definitely recommend that every woman reads Proverbs 31 because it is the passage in the Bible that specifically says what a woman of virtue is by biblical standards. Comment below what this passage in the Bible means to you and other scriptures that inspire you!

Have a great day! XOXO Pure Jess  

P.S.  To comment on posts you have to click on the title and view it separately from the home page!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Introduction to Pure Jess

Welcome to Pure Jess!
                I decided to start this blog because last year during my senior year of high school I made the choice to be celibate and save my virginity for marriage. My reasons for this decision range from my relationship with God to the way that I have seen sex have negative consequences on other people my age. I thought about saving myself for a long time before I actually committed to doing it because I had a lot of doubt in my mind about if I could really accomplish this goal. It always seemed like something that just isn’t practical or functional if you plan to be in relationships and date in 2016. But, as I weighed the different pros and cons I realized that I had to make the best decision for my life and pursue what I wanted to accomplish unabashed by what the popular opinion is. Every choice you make as a person will affect your life and nobody except for ME is going to experience the consequences of my choices, so I decided that nobody’s opinion should really hinder my choice.
                Now the next question your probably wondering is why this is a public announcement. Well, believe me when I say the last thing I planned on doing was shouting my lifestyle choice of celibacy out to the world. However,  as I’ve begun venturing through this journey I have come across so many girls telling me that they wish they would’ve waited longer to have sex, they got pressured into a situation trying to keep their boyfriend happy, or even that they WISH they could wait for marriage and don’t know how. These types of conversations made me feel like there are actually many girls like me out there in the world that just need answers that they can apply to their lives. Typically when you research or try to find answers about waiting for marriage the approaches that are recommended are one-sided and don’t really mention a lot of practices that everyday girls can really use while they are in college and high school wanting to have fun. I definitely can’t say I have all the answers but, I do have a lot of ideas to contribute to the conversation that I think many girls would find helpful. And as I share my stories I think we can all grow together.
I have my own beliefs and my own perspectives and I’m not trying to force anything on someone that doesn’t want to hear it. But I have the notion that there are actually a lot of girls that are interested in waiting and should at least hear that they can do it. Many times when celibacy or abstinence is mentioned nobody takes it seriously so I’m just standing to stay that it is serious and it can happen. Hopefully this message and the different tips and stories I’ll be sharing on this page will help a lot of young women! You have to make the best choice for yourself, but how can you really decide what you want to do without all the facts?!
By the way, this isn’t a “Virgins Only Page”. This is for girls trying to move forward in the right direction, and girls that need to know they don’t have to settle for standards that are set by the society around them. Living a life of purity goes deeper than whatever you’ve done in your past and you can move forward and decide to be different. We’re all growing and growth happens outside of comfort! It’s never too late to take control of your journey and set boundaries!
Pure Tip: Shake off any fear and doubt, believe in yourself and just walk forward with whatever you want to accomplish. Any success that comes will be a result of you never quitting!
                God gave me a purpose and a voice, so I created this platform to share it. It’s really hard to put my purpose in one post but I hope you have a good idea of what is to come. Make sure to follow me for more stories and tips! Also feel free to comment below and leave me questions or things you would like to see on this page in the future! Thank-you so much for reading!

XOXO Pure Jess  

P.S.  To comment on posts you have to click on the title and view it separately from the home page!