Monday, June 13, 2016

Book Review: The Wait by Devon Franklin and Meagan Good

     "Waiting has nothing to do with lying back and hoping that good things find you. It's about putting aside distractions, using your gifts, and becoming someone God can trust to bless with great opportunities and wonderful people." -Devon Franklin and Meagan Good

       Released in February 2016 The Wait was a highly anticipated book. It went on to sell several thousands of copies and land a spot on the New York Times Best Seller list! Co-written by the high profile couple, actress Meagan Good and movie producer/pastor Devon Franklin, the book attracted a wide variety of people. From Christians wanting to learn the secret to abstinence to those just curious about the celebrity duo's relationship. When they started dating and throughout their engagement they began speaking about practicing celibacy and keeping God at the center of their relationship. Due to the sex appeal of Meagan Good and her sometimes risqué attire many were skeptical as to how the two were managing to not have sex. After seeing all the curiosity from the media and even people in their own personal lives they got the idea to write a book that would help others to "achieve the love of their life and the life they love". 

      When I got the book I ordered a hard cover and immediately loved the cover that I had seen on social media and various places several times before. It's as if you can feel the happiness through the photo! I also saw that it had 243 pages. Including 9 chapters that were intentionally divided up into smaller sections and categories. Because of the different divisions in the chapter, double spaced sized formatting and decent sized font it was a very easy read. Each page was very smooth and they included sections with direct perspectives from the both of them. Since I followed their journey somewhat I basically read the book in their voices and it really made me feel like I was talking to them. The language was straight forward, conversational and the tone was relaxed. 

      The power couple's choice to practice celibacy happened individually and before they were even dating. Meagan had been celibate and re-vamping her relationship with God while Devon had been on his journey of practicing the wait for over TEN YEARS when they started seeing each other! Prior to reading the book at the start of June I had watched many interviews with the two of them discussing their philosophies that were in the book so I knew a little bit of what I would be finding in the book already. However, it still had some elements that surprised me, the book was very transparent and discussed personal issues that I had never even heard of! For example, Meagan Good's smoking habit and marriage counseling sessions that were hard to get through.

     I knew I would like the book but not nearly as much as I did once I read it. For the first
time I actually highlighted and wrote notes in a book that wasn't for school. They had great quotes on almost every page that stood out or made me think. Especially since I am on the journey of waiting for marriage myself it was definitely impactful and a must read for anyone else who is on their purity walk. One of the aspects that I liked the most was that it was broken down and touched so many subject areas. Some sections are geared toward singles, some for married people, some more specifically for men, and others with a focus on women. The book encompassed helpful anecdotes and words of advice for any step in the process you might be in right now. They touched bases with all different stages in a relationship that a person could find themselves in and still managed to sprinkle their knowledge evenly. The tone was never all-knowing or judgmental so I liked that part about it too. There is nothing worse than someone who thinks they know it all.

      They genuinely wrote the book to help people and shine a light on what many young people are struggling with. I encourage you all to read this book and let yourself learn from it. There is always a helpful lesson from someone else's story.

Comment below and let me know your thoughts on the book after you read it!

XOXO Pure Jess

Check out my new website coming June 20th

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pure Challenge #3

    For this week the Pure Challenge is to write your own declarations! Declaring positive things over your life and constantly speaking a message of faith is very important! Many churches across the world use declarations during their services to help set the atmosphere for God and prepare their congregation for a powerful word. It's important to not only do this on Sunday mornings but also every day! 
  I enjoy doing declarations so much that it's been on my mind to actually write some for myself. Although there are already thousands of declarations out there that you can find on the internet or in books I know that you can reach an even deeper level when you tailor declarations to your life specifically. As Christians we have to be intentional in our movements and all the things that we do, by making declarative statements with your needs in mind it's going to help create strongholds around you and keep out any thoughts of fear and doubt.

Pure Tip: Having some "go-to" key phrases that you can use at any time to speak against the enemy or stressful situations that come up during your day will help cut out negativity and enhance your day by helping you walk by faith!

Step 1: Brainstorm
     Start deciding what thing you want to speak over your life by listing things that you are having trouble with. For example if you struggle with your health you may write a declaration like "I will be strong and healthy" or "I am healed" 

Step 2: Narrow them down
     The ideal size for your daily declarations is 15-25 lines. Of course they can be as long as you want them to be but challenge yourself to reduce the amount of lines if you feel the declaration is getting to long. Sometimes some of your lines may be included from the same prpose and you only need one!

Step 3: Make your final copy
     Just like when writing an essay you have drafts but once you know what you want to say and have the lines in an order that you're happy with be sure to type/write them up nicely so you can put them on your wall and see them daily!

Step 4: Send a copy of your daily declarations to Pure Jess
    I would love to read the declarations that you all come up with! You can post them on my Facebook page (Pure Jess) , #PureChallenge under a picture on Instagram, or post them on Twitter and tag me @PureJess_

Step 5: Start speaking them daily! 
   After you have these declarations you want to be sure to use these declarative statements every day! Repetition is key and speaking them with conviction is also important! Make sure you repeat them daily!

***See my declarations below***

XOXO Pure Jess

Make sure to comment and follow me if you enjoyed this post!
If this is your first time visiting read my post Introduction to Pure Jess
For a video discussing what Pure Challenge is watch Intro to Pure Challenge/Pure Challenge 1

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Rose Discussion #8: Don't Sweat the Small People

    This is for all the girls that feel like they don't fit in, you're not alone! Maybe you're just in the select few! I know this video ran a little long but the scriptures and motivation are at the end lol! Sorry if it's choppy I had to cut it down to be as short as possible because the original cut was a little would've had you sitting here for too long!
    I titled it "Don't Sweat the Small People" because on your journey you'll meet a lot of people that are not much in the grand scheme. Don't let their negativity affect you!
   To see my Rose Discussions 1-7 you can visit my YouTube page (Jessica Mbuyamba) or go to my Facebook ( Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so that you'll get all the updates! I have some really exciting things coming this summer!

XOXO Pure Jess

Pure Challenge #2

Happy Tuesday! 

***If you're unfamiliar with the "Pure Challenge" then definitely check out my Introduction to Pure Challenge Video and blog post from 4/12/16!***

I hope you are really excited for Pure Challenge #2! Last week I had you all wake up every morning and give God your first hour of the day so that you could start to build or continue to maintain a strong relationship with Him. Before I introduce this week's challenge I want you to read the following poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar called We Wear the Mask

We Wear the Mask

Related Poem Content Details

We wear the mask that grins and lies, 
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,— 
This debt we pay to human guile; 
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile, 
And mouth with myriad subtleties. 

Why should the world be over-wise, 
In counting all our tears and sighs? 
Nay, let them only see us, while 
       We wear the mask. 

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries 
To thee from tortured souls arise. 
We sing, but oh the clay is vile 
Beneath our feet, and long the mile; 
But let the world dream otherwise, 
       We wear the mask!

   This poem means a lot to me because it was introduced to me in High School during a time that I was "wearing a mask" and trying to keep everything together on the outside despite how bad I was truly feeling on the inside. It's so important that as women we love ourselves, except ourselves, and feel free to let out our emotions so that we can move forward. The enemy can prey on those trapped feelings in our minds! A person that isn't happy on the inside is not a happy person. If you aren't happy then how can you spread God's love and happiness to others? It all starts with you. We were created in his image and our bodies are temples inside and out. Stress does not do a body good and I know from experience that keeping it together on the outside while you fall a part on the inside stifles growth. 
          The Pure Challenge is to spend time appreciating yourself and working on whatever may be happening on the inside. If you don't focus on yourself and work on loving yourself how will someone else see your worth and value if you don't feel it from within on your own. Feeling good and knowing you're "far more precious than rubies", is sometimes a key in the walk of saving yourself for marriage because you can't be in the habit of letting anyone reduce you to low standards. But if you already reduce yourself mentally then it isn't a hard task. 

        Some exercises to do and practice on this week that might be hard to do but beneficial in the long run are:
1. Looking in the mirror and pointing out the things you love about yourself/body. 95% of women think about how they hate their body at least once a day. Let's become that 5% and shout out what we love!
2. Give 3 compliments to women that you don't know. Giving genuine compliments to people is prone to increase happiness. Also jealousy can hold us all back, when you see something beautiful about someone else don't feel like it's a competition.
3. Exercise, eat something nutritious, and/or do something that will make your body healthier. Seeing some positive results or just feeling better is a great way to tackle any angst against your body.
4. Get your nails done, splurge on a new outfit, learn a make up tip and/or pamper yourself. Taking time to relax and unwind can help for more productivity the next day. Don't let yourself get burnt out. Everyone needs a break. 
5. Get a journal a write out your emotions. Sometimes writing things out on paper and looking at everything helps sort out your thoughts easier and get everything out. Some people even find it therapeutic to write their negative thoughts down and then burn them!
6. Take some time to work on your dreams! If there is a book you want to write, a YouTube channel you wanted to start, a blog to create or a business to jump start then start making it a reality! There is no faith without works, getting started today is the best way to avoid never starting! Once you see your progress and success it will give you the visual opportunity to see how great you are!
7. Talk to the Lord about your pain. Whether that be something physical that you are having trouble accepting, or a battle that you are fighting emotionally it's important to lay your stress on Him. He can put your mind at ease. As I said before we were made in His image. "You are his masterpiece". He made everyone beautiful :) Don't let an Instagram Model make you feel sub-par

     Take off that mask and have your regular spirit be everything you want it to be! I hope this Pure Challenge works wonders for all of you! You have 7 days to complete some of the above suggestions! Definitely tag me on Twitter/ Instagram @PureJess_ or #PureChallege! Also feel free to post to my Facebook page because I want to see every new outfit, hear about all the compliments you gave, and stay in the loop with all the progress! Have a fabulous week Roses!

XOXO Pure Jess

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pure Challenge Intro & Pure Challenge #1

***Click the YouTube Button to watch this video on YouTube and subscribe to my channel :)     Hey guys! I hope your week is going well! I just wanted to announce to you all that starting this week I am kicking off a new aspect of Pure Jess called the Pure Challenge!
Each week I will be giving you guys a 7-day challenge to complete for the week to help you get closer to God, be more productive, and just better yourself as a whole! The challenges will run from Tuesday to Tuesday! :) 
    Most weeks the challenge will coincide with my video or blog posts and other weeks they'll be something more basic like reading a chapter in the Bible each day. I can't wait for each week to progress so you all can be participating in the challenges! As you go through your week definitely make sure you're posting on the Pure Jess Facebook page and tweeting with the #PureChallenge on Twitter! For Week 1 (starting tomorrow 4/13/16) the Pure Challenge is to wake up each day an hour early and spend time with the Lord! Be sure to watch the video for the full explanation and watch until the end to hear some of my tips for building a relationship with God!

XOXO Pure Jess

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Don't Play Yourself

     When someone shows you who they are believe them. Stop falling in love with "potential" or only reminiscing on the good times when a guy starts showing bad signals. Most destructive guys in your life and even bad friends are just distractions, sent to slowly lead you down the wrong path. God has a plan for you but you have to pursue him and be focused. You have to be ready to get his confirmation and discover what he has in store for you. 
     Are you actively pursuing God right now? Or are you actively pursuing a man right now? Even worse a man that isn't even showing you any dedication or commitment. Remember that God created you for a purpose. Don't let someone define you and take away the value that you deserve. 
   If a guy has an IPhone 6 and claims he didn't get your message are you really going to believe that.... if you know he dm's* 50 girls a day with the same exact same lines are you just going to take those scraps..... When someone approaches you incorrectly are you going to lower your standards and just let the situation continue? Don't be gullible or sweep things under the rug! We have to focus on God and move toward things to enhance our lives and live the way he intends us to. The right person will come at the right time.
   God is not sending you a man that doesn't respect you, God is not going to send you a man you can't trust, and God is definitely not sending you someone that is involved with other women, so take these negative signs and turn away from guys that are only going to lead you to temptation and lust! You don't need that in your life and the Devil would love to see you fail. 
Pure Tip: Realize that a man's "rejecting you" is sometimes God protecting you. If someone doesn't recognize what you have to give then don't chase after them. 
  You have nothing to prove.... NEVER forget your value and keep it in mind when you go through your day. It's important to respect yourself and be careful with the moves you make. If you know God wouldn't match you with the person you're in a relationship with then what are you doing? Don't set yourself up for heartbreak, don't waste your OWN time that you can't get back, and never reduce yourself to the low standards of our perverse world.
   We are a peculiar people (Titus 2:14) .... act like it! Never put up with foolishness and begin surrounding yourself with like minded individuals, you'll be surprised how your problems decrease. 
   When you give someone your time and they waste it it's never a good feeling. But it's an even worse feeling when you know that in the beginning you already knew you were stepping into something toxic.
    Think about this as you deal with different situations and people this week... especially guys. Don't let yourself get played or manipulated! Guard your heart

XOXO Pure Jess

If you liked this piece then check out What Motivates me to Wait or learn more about me by watching my video 12 Questions About Pure Jess. Also be sure to check back later this week for my next post!

*Dm's- Direct Messages (usually on a social media platform such as Twitter or Instagram)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How to Explain That You're "Waiting for Marriage"

     I feel like once you get the conviction in your heart and find the courage to really commit to waiting until marriage to have sex it's an easy path to walk on most days. When I was trying to make the decision to save myself a few of my main concerns were: "How am I supposed to explain this to other people?","What questions will they ask?", "How will I make it sound normal?", and "When do I bring up to a guy that I'm waiting?" All of these were situations that were much easier to handle than I thought they would be. 
     Below I have a series of questions that I have been asked and the way that I typically go about answering them. When reading some of these responses and trying to apply them to your own life remember that you have to be straight forward. There is no sugar coating or beating around the bush when you're talking about not having sex until your wedding night. I have tried my best to be creative, but the only way to get the message across clearly (and yes you want it to be 100% clear) is to just say it. Lastly, make sure to be genuine, honest, let people ask questions, and don't get offended by what they may say or think. 
Pure Tip: Don't get defensive while talking to people about saving yourself. Your choice to honor God's will and save the action of sex for marriage is nothing to be ashamed of! Being transparent and sharing your story with others will only open people's minds to have a better understanding of you and God.

Q1) What made you decide to wait?
A- While answering this question it depends on the person you're talking to and how much time you have to explain. For some people I give them the whole story which can be found in my Pure Jess Introduction. But for most I just say that after taking a time of self-reflection I realized that I have to live my life for myself unapologetically. And I can't be too afraid to do something because of societal norms. I always knew I wanted to wait and eventually I found the strength through God to begin this journey unabashed. Also after seeing the negative affects that is has had on friends and other people around me I didn't want to subject myself to the same harm. 

Q2) How are you going to actually do this?
A- To answer this I usually just give some examples of the different boundaries that I have set for myself. For example be upfront with what you aren't going to do in the relationship, never elude or tease that you will do something sexual, and in most situations keep a good distance between you a your boyfriend/bae/boo or whatever he is lol. (I say most times because obviously sometimes you're going to sit next to each other or be close, I'm just saying don't make it a constant habit to be all up under him.)
Pure Tip: Set your boundaries and don't cross them! Everything you thought of was made a boundary for a reason, you can not second guess yourself. Especially not because your boyfriend or friends start questioning you. STAND FIRM IN YOUR BELIEFS

Q3) Why do you even want to be in relationship?
A-  A relationship is supposed to be grounded in more than just sex. So just because I'm not having sex until marriage doesn't mean I can't have a healthy and fun relationship with someone. 

Q4) What reactions do you get when you tell people?
A- It's interesting that as someone is reacting to my "news" they want to know how others have responded. But none the less I tell them.... some people know I'm conservative and aren't surprised, most just give me a shocked look, some question me very bluntly and tell me this goal I have is probably not going to last once I get a boyfriend, and some just tell me that I'm right, and sex isn't worth all the drama it comes with, especially when you and the person you were having sex with break up.

Q5) So what do you consider yourself... are you abstaining from sex, celibate, a real virgin?
A- I definitely clear up that yes I've never had any type of sex. And I explain that I'm not that particular about the phrasing. Some people say the being celibate and abstinent are different. There are a few technicalities that make them different but to me they are still synonyms and I use them interchangeably. Both mean that you're choosing to refrain from an activity like having sex, doing drugs, drinking alcohol etc

Q6) At what stage in the relationship do you bring it up?
A- This was the question I struggled with a lot. As a little update for you guys I recently just told a guy this yesterday. It kind of came out naturally because he mentioned that he wasn't having sex again until he was in a serious relationship. So I just literally said "Mhmm, that's interesting. I'm actually waiting until marriage to have sex with someone." Of course the conversation went on after that, but that's how it began. Like I mentioned there is no way to say it besides just saying it. Luckily for me in this situation he brought up the subject so I was able to just follow suit. If you're getting to know someone effectively even if you have to bring it up first it should come out in conversation eventually. I don't think it's necessary to say on a first date but once you know for sure that you like someone you definitely have to say it before things get too far in. For most guys, if not all guys it's a very serious factor so letting things go on for too long is not a good idea. 
     Just trust your gut, everyone's timing is going to be different. If you feel the need to say it on the first date then do so. Remember that everything on this blog is MY opinion based on my life experiences. You have to take the tips and tools you find here and apply only what YOU see fit for YOUR life!

     In the future I will definitely have more Q and A's about this topic so comment down below if you have any questions you want answered. Have an AWESOME week everyone and be sure to check back here on Friday for more! 
XOXO Pure Jess

P.S. Be sure to check out my last post if you missed it! What to do on a 1st Date

Sunday, March 13, 2016


My new P.U.R.E. acronym! Join the Pure Movement ✊🏾💕 #PureJess

Friday, March 11, 2016

What to do on A 1st Date

In the search for Mr. Right we’re all bound to date a few Mr. Never Agains. While you’re doing so it all has to start somewhere....the dreaded first date. To help us navigate through this night effectively I’ve compiled two lists below, one of them is the things that we should definitely expect guys to do on 1st date and the second is what we as girls need to do. Both are important because sometimes people just don’t measure up and you have to keep your eyes peeled for red flags, nobody’s prefect of course but for 2 hours on a first date everyone's best face should be forward. That being said sometimes we set ourselves up for failure or things don’t work out because it’s us. 

Things HE should do:
  1.  Picking you up at the door When a guy texts you to come outside or calls you when he’s almost there it’s not very romantic. A date, especially the FIRST date needs to come to the door/your dorm to get you. 
  2. Paying for the Date  Being a teenager or being in school is tough, especially monetarily. But on the first date if he asked you to be there he needs to just save his pennies and figure it out. You don’t need to order anything outlandish. It's not necessary to have an appetizer, dessert, and the most expensive entrée just eat what you regularly would. He’ll offer or insist if he really wants you to order something more.
  3. Complimenting you The hair, the makeup, the multiple outfit changes we go through and everything else definitely earn a compliment from the person you got ready for. It’s a must for him to acknowledge you. And trust me if he doesn’t say anything you’ll notice (I did, and now I realize the difference it makes)
  4. Not Making any Advances In most cases on a first date you don’t really know this person very well, he shouldn’t be going for any cheap feels. No hands should be touching you anywhere... lower back, butt, etc. Although, maybe hand holding depending on how you feel.
  5. Extras There are always a few things that guys do that show they've gone the extra mile. All these things have to be taken into account. Definitely "sweat the small stuff" and recognize the little things   
    • pulling out a chair
    • opening the car door (opening doors is a must! The car door is preferable but I'm counting it as an extra)
    • flowers 
Pure tip: If you don’t really know this guy super well then take some precaution. Text your friends where you’re going from your phone or different choice apps like "Glympse" you can send your friends or your parents your exact location. Also if you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable make sure you have a plan B to get home. (Where I live we call Uber!) It sounds kind of crazy but better safe than sorry. You don’t want to be the next Amber alert just because you wanted a bae.

Things WE should do:
  1. If he asks, be Decisive  Sometimes guys ask a question like "Where would you like to go out to eat" or "what movie do you want to watch", even if you are feeling unsure just give an answer. If he's asking then he wants to know and you don't want him to end up picking something that you hate. That'll be a waste of everyone's time. 
  2. Dress Modestly Wear something cute, we all want to be attractive of course but if you wear something too revealing and then say you’re waiting for marriage you’re going to leave the guy pretty puzzled. The way a person presents themselves says a lot about them so make sure your clothes aren't sending a message you don't want. What you should wear depends on where you're going.on the date, just always dress 
  3. Compliment Him Don’t be afraid to say something sweet, and show gratitude. Girls like compliments and guys like them too. Don’t start praising him but one or two nice comments will be appreciated.
  4. Don’t take any Selfies This really applies to both parties. Keep the phone away. Especially on the first date you don’t want to look like your mind is elsewhere or you're bored(even if you are). Hopefully this guy planned this date and spent time getting  ready just like you and he’s even about to pay for you, so give him a chance and leave your phone in your purse.
  5. DON'T KISS HIM Nothing worth waiting for is given on the first date. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. A good hug isn’t bad if everything went well and simply making a point to say you had a good time is enough, even texting him later/the next day should suffice. Getting the message across that the date was fun doesn't have to include kissing. 
Comment down below with what you think about these tips a tricks and good luck on your next date ;) I’m not saying that any of these things are deal breakers but you should definitely not forget about them.

XOXO Pure Jess

P.S. Be ready for my next video this TUESDAY and
check out my last video All About Pure Jess (12 Questions)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

All About Pure Jess (12 Questions)

Hey guys! Thank you so much for tuning into my first video! It's really exciting for me to be on this journey of starting Pure Jess and watching everything grow. This YouTube channel is just going to keep it all going! Let me know what you think in the comments section below and be sure to come back on Friday for my next post!

XOXO Pure Jess

If this is your first time visiting my page make sure to read my introduction Pure Jess Introduction

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Outlook on Relationships

Recently I've been "talking to someone" luckily they don’t know about my blog yet so I'm in a free space lol. But anyway it's brought so many questions to my mind lately. In the past I never get past this “talking phase”. Something always happens that gets in the way of me being someone’s girlfriend. That be that the guy doesn't like me, he finds someone else to date, or he just decides not to call me ever (unannounced to me what I did wrong). I have so many stories of talking to guys and it not working out, and it has never been my decision. I know I’m only 18 but high school felt like forever and my college luck has yet to change. I always wanted a boyfriend so badly in high school but I just couldn't quite get there for some reason. Recently I realized that maybe it just wasn't the time. There are no coincidences when you're dealing with God and if any of those relationships would've worked out I know I would be a completely different person right now. That being because half of those guys were definitely not boyfriend material and because being single gave me a chance to know myself, know God, and really pursue my own aspirations. I lacked confidence and independence for the first half of high school and if I would’ve started dating any one then I would probably still have the same troubles now. Also when I was younger I NEVER thought I was going to hold out sex in a relationship for longer than like 6 months so I definitely wouldn't have a blog called Pure Jess. There are so many reasons that I feel like God blocked me from having what I THOUGHT I "needed".    
I would always looked around me and hated being alone.  How did so-and-so get a boyfriend? Why am I never enough for anybody? How come I don’t have a valentine, or a prom date, or a bae? There were so many depressing days when I really felt like I was missing a whole life experience that I couldn't get back. True that I didn't have something, but a boyfriend isn't everything. Most of high school I managed to not really have friends either..... Luckily I redeemed myself during senior year in the friends department but moving to college doesn't always make those easy to maintain.
But anyway I still never really formed a friendship that deep. A best friend, a person, someone I could tell anything to, an unconditional relationship......  besides my mom I never really talked to anyone that deep. So thinking of the possibility of really having a boyfriend at this point is kind of weird because I don't even have a close friend so now I'm opening myself up to a relationship that’s going to consume my days, take my thoughts, become so much of my life and be so deep… so I hear.
After wanting one so bad for so long now I just get a headache when I think about it. I mean what does one do with a boyfriend? Do you take it for walks, do you feed it, does it need sunlight.... what if I don't feel like hanging out, or what about when I have to relay the message that essentially he’s only getting sex from me if we get married. What a great prize… if he even enters the race with that condition. People are so complicated, there are so many different variables to a person. In the end with friendships I've mostly been left disappointed... so now that the stakes are raised, what will I do? Not that I’m the perfect person of course but I've always seemed to end up being that "server friend". When you need something you can call me, we can talk for however long, go where you want to go, and follow your speed. That slight occurrence when I need something.... well we'll see if it’s convenient. I've had a few greats so I'm not going to say this happens all the time, just about 97%. My outlook on romantic relationships definitely stems from friendships. And sometimes I can admit maybe I could speak up more for what I need and what I don’t get. But do I really have to beg for attention… It always sounds so pathetic in my mind. “Can you listen to me more”, don’t do this, don’t do that. “I hate when you____” It makes me feel ___ when you do that” “could you spend more time on me”… I really hate doing that. Partly because sometimes it just doesn’t work. And partly because don’t people take the time to ask you how you’re doing if they really care? Must I really have to give directions? So if someone doesn’t seem to care that much must I really beg for their compassion… I would rather just watch Netflix with bag of chips and not expect much from them moving forward. And although I grew to enjoy my time alone with no friends I eventually ran into some roadblocks there too because when you don’t have them then if you want to go to the movies or a party you have to stay home, or if you get exciting news you have no one to tell, or when you need advice while your texting a guy there’s nobody you can call and ask. Then you get all depressed and lonely……. It’s so hard out here.
That’s why the only person who can really fill a void is God, because he’s always there, he doesn’t leave you and sometimes you might feel disappointed but you know he’s looking out for you and whatever you do he won’t leave you. There’s so much security and safety. Some people don’t have any faith and rely on the world around them. I feel no peace in the world around me without God as my foundation so it’s always really interesting when people say that. I almost laugh to myself like man, they must have a great best friend or a boyfriend. I wouldn’t trade God for anyone on Earth obviously but still, it’s interesting to me.
BTW this is not just a “I have no friends” rant. This is directly connected to purity because all the experiences you have in life contribute to how you act and respond in other areas. Purity goes deeper than just saving yourself for marriage. It’s how you live life every day. Also don’t feel bad for me. When I look back I wouldn’t have things any other way, I like who am a lot and all those sad days brought me to better ones today. I feel stronger and wiser. Growth happens outside of comfort. So I couldn’t appreciate the lessons that came out of that chapter until I started a new one. Now I look back satisfied. Still low-key wishing I would’ve had a prom date though but I’ll survive lol. This was just a little self-reflection.
            It’s such a weird thing. You can’t give up hope because life with no hope is hopeless so you just have to have faith that the next friendships and relationships are better and that things work out. As far as this possible boyfriend situation nothing’s official so we’ll see, I’ll keep you guys posted ;) 

XOXO Pure Jess

If you liked this post check out my other blog post Why Shouldn't I Just Have Sex?
*To comment on posts you may have to click on the title and view the post separately from the home page! 

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Celebrities that Waited Until Marriage

Every week I always watch this talk show called The Real and one of the hosts is Tamera Mowry- Housley. She was on a show called Sister Sister on Disney Channel back when I was in Elementary school and I’ve always been a huge fan. On a lot of the episodes of The Real she talks about how she stayed a virgin until she was 28 and felt guilty after having sex with her now husband, Adam Housley, out of wedlock. After they had sex the first time they decided to wait until they were officially married to have sex again. This made me curious to know what other celebrities waited until marriage. So below I compiled a list of celebrities that either kept their virginity until marriage or famous couples that decided to recommit when they got in serious relationships.

Adriana Lima (Victoria Secret model) Despite dating several other high profile celebrities it was important for Lima to save herself for marriage. At the age of 27 she married her former husband Marko Jaric who previously played for the NBA.

Jessica Simpson (musician, designer, and actress) Simpson vowed to save herself for marriage publicly and did so before her first marriage to singer Nick Lachey in 2002.


Julianne Hough (dancer and actress) Hough grew up in a traditional Mormon household with the idea of saving herself for marriage being very emphasized. In the beginning of her career she had several interviews where she expressed her views on saving her virginity until after she was married. It isn't confirmed if she still lives by this choice or if she has changed her mind.

Grey’s Anatomy star Sarah Drew (actress) plays a character on the show named April Keppener who is a devout Christian that saved herself for marriage. Interestingly enough Drew actually lived out this same decision in her own life and married her current husband Peter Lanfer in 2002.

Carrie Underwood (musician) The dedicated Christian waited until she found her husband Mike Fisher and got married in 2010.

Heidi Montag (former reality TV star) Even though she lived on the party scene in Beverly Hills Montag still preserved her virginity until marrying her husband Spencer Pratt.

Lisa Kudrow, (actress) The beloved Friends star stayed true to herself and waited until she married her husband at age 31 before having sex.

Tina Fey (actress and comedian)  Fey was abstinent until marrying her husband when she was 24 years old.

 Lolo Jones (Olympic athlete) Professional athlete Lolo Jones is currently single and has described abstaining from sex as harder than training for the Olympics! 

Ciara (musician) and her boyfriend Russel Wilson, (Sea Hawks football player) are practicing celibacy in their relationship. Although Ciara was not practicing celibacy in other relationships prior to Wilson they decided mutually that in order to get to know each other and have a meaningful relationship they wanted to keep sex/physical things out of it.

Mariah Carey (musician) and Nick Cannon (producer, comedian, and actor) chose to save their first time having sex together until after their wedding to consummate their marriage. Even though they unfortunately divorced after 6 years.

Movie producer, actor, and Pastor Devon Franklin committed to celibacy for 10 years before meeting his wife, actress Meagan Good. 
     Good decided to become abstinent after experiencing many hard relationships in the past. After re-committing to save herself for marriage the Lord revealed to Good that Franklin would be her husband and eventually they dated. 
        Leading up to marriage they were both very intentional and kept God first in their relationship. They fasted together, prayed together and eventually got married in 2012.

Hopefully this post was interesting! Definitely let me know in the comments section below if you hear about anymore of your favorite celebs that were abstinent!

XOXO Pure Jess

For more reasons to wait check out my blog post Why Shouldn't I Just Have Sex?
To comment on posts you may have to click on the title and view the post separately from the home page! 
If this is your first time visiting my page make sure to read my introduction Pure Jess Introduction