Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What Motivates Me to Wait?

      My aunt asked me yesterday, What keeps me from wanting to have sex, and what motivates me to keep going? I had an answer immediately to what helps me the most…. God. My relationship with him is what drives me and keeps me motivated. There is no better accountability partner than Him. There’s no person, ring, or even yourself alone that can stop you from giving in to your flesh and your desires. I have strength through him. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:13 The last thing I ever want to do is sound "preachy" but honestly when I think about it, I couldn’t do anything alone. I forgive because I know God always forgives me. I try my best to listen and give good advice because God is always there to listen whenever I call. 
    Waiting for marriage is something deep in my heart that I know he wants me to do. To fulfill my purpose and live my life I just have to wait. It’s hard to live by the Bible all the time, but you have to at least try to be in perfect pursuit. God honors all the sacrifices and choices that we make. He knows full well the discipline that is being practiced when following his word. You just have to seek him 100% with your whole heart. He wants the best for you and for all your desires to happen. How can someone not want to heed the advice of a loving father? God has all the answers, so there’s security. You’re not taking advice from a best friend who knows nothing or someone who may lead you astray. You’re literally getting help from the one who knows your future. He knows the secret turn you need to take, the passageway you have to find, and the number of nights it will be before you get there. He has designed special steps and a purpose just for you, so how can we not want to live out that journey that was made specifically for us.
    Knowing that I have such a great and loving God helps me live fearlessly. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6. I’ve lost many friends, there are people who want to see me fail, and there are a lot of boys that never thought I was enough. But God has never left me, even when I’m not as faithful as I should be, even when I sin, even when I’ve tried to ignore his advice. When I come back he forgives me and loves me just the same. The grace he extends to people is paramount. He wants me to prosper and have whatever I need. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jere. 29:11  All I am to the world is an 18 year old girl but He thinks enough of me to give my life meaning. God sees me as more, greater, and better so I decide to take his perspective on me and apply it when I do things. I’m definitely not perfect but like I said. I’m in pursuit. I’m growing, learning, transforming, and getting better every day. That’s the whole point of life. You never stop learning and you never stop getting better. You just need a driving force…. GOD.
   Speak to him today even if you haven’t in awhile his love is still there for you. Start with telling him about your day and how you’re feeling. Don’t make it complicated, don’t make it weird, and don’t wait! Right now is the perfect moment. Make that connection because it'll change everything. Make your moves intentionally, wait for your roommate/spouse to leave, find a place where you can be alone, do whatever you need to do and have a moment with Him. And don’t just do it once, sometimes people expect a two minute prayer once a year to reap abundance and get impatient when they don’t see results. God gives confirmation and you’ll know when you feel it. But you have to be ready and you have to be listening. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matt. 7:7

XOXO Pure Jess

For more reasons to wait check out my blog post Why Shouldn't I Just Have Sex?
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