Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pure Challenge Intro & Pure Challenge #1

***Click the YouTube Button to watch this video on YouTube and subscribe to my channel :)     Hey guys! I hope your week is going well! I just wanted to announce to you all that starting this week I am kicking off a new aspect of Pure Jess called the Pure Challenge!
Each week I will be giving you guys a 7-day challenge to complete for the week to help you get closer to God, be more productive, and just better yourself as a whole! The challenges will run from Tuesday to Tuesday! :) 
    Most weeks the challenge will coincide with my video or blog posts and other weeks they'll be something more basic like reading a chapter in the Bible each day. I can't wait for each week to progress so you all can be participating in the challenges! As you go through your week definitely make sure you're posting on the Pure Jess Facebook page and tweeting with the #PureChallenge on Twitter! For Week 1 (starting tomorrow 4/13/16) the Pure Challenge is to wake up each day an hour early and spend time with the Lord! Be sure to watch the video for the full explanation and watch until the end to hear some of my tips for building a relationship with God!

XOXO Pure Jess


  1. I find that morning works for me also with giving God the time that He deserves.

    1. I'm glad that speaking to the Lord in the morning has been so beneficial for you! Thanks for visiting my site and I hope you continue to do Rose Challenges!
